Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wilson is a workin'!

So, a week or so ago, I put the hubby to work.  Actually, some friends and I had just bought him a new toy for his birthday...

Please ignore the southern end of my northern-bound puppy there.  Thank you.

Anyway, Wilson was pretty anxious to try this baby out, and it just so happened that I needed some shelves in my garage.  Huh...what a coincidence.  Really he started working on this project on his own; no nagging at all.  It's true!  Scout's honor!!

Yay!!  Isn't he wonderful?  (OK, so he finished assembling the shelves the next night...whatever.)

I had also gotten steaks on really really good sale at the Commissary, so he grilled them for us.  Ribeye for him and NY Strip for me.  Yum!!

Notice the branding?  The "WM"?  That was also a birthday present.  =)

And on the shelves, just for fun...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Labor Day Weekend...Belated

Yes I know I'm late telling y'all about our Labor Day weekend, but promptness has never been my strong suit. As my dear friend Mrs. Peggy would say, "Get over it."  =)  I just love her!

Anywho, for the long weekend Wilson and I went to my parents' lake house. We played on the boat for 3 days straight! We tubed and skied and kneeboarded and played cornhole and ate and ate and ate...basically had all kinds of fun!

My Mom, sister Sarah, and I tubing.  Woohoo!!

Wilson, my brother-in-law John, and me tubing.  And yes...I was as terrified as I look.  We were going reeeaallyy faaast!!  And when we fell it reeeaallyy hurt!!

Wilson kneeboarding for the first time.

Wilson doing a 180...the first time he went kneeboarding.  Yeah...he's "good at the stuff"*


*"Good at the stuff": Everyone knows someone like this.  You teach them how to play a game, for instance, and they promptly beat you at it.  Particularly sports.  Like my sister: Dad taught her how to play horseshoes, and she turned around and got a ringer on her third throw.  Yeah...I married one of those people.

We really had a blast!!  What did you do for Labor Day weekend?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Oh, about Wilson's trip to Montana. Actually, he was being invited to Georgia. Our bad. =)

Mustard-Based Barbecue Sauce

Many of you know that we are from South Carolina. Here in Virginia, "Carolina Barbecue" is vinegar-based. No offense, but blech! TRUE Carolina barbecue only takes one form: Mustard-based. In good ol' SC, we appreciate ketchup based sauces, but take complete ownership of the mustard versions. If you've never tried the yellow barbecue sauces and are near Columbia, SC I highly recommend Maurice's Barbecue. Be aware, however, that being a good southern institution, Maurice's is closed on Sundays.

Which brings us to our current situation. See, when Wilson and I drive home, we pass right through Columbia, usually driving south late on Friday night and north on Sunday. With this kind of schedule, we unfortunately are typically unable to pick up any of our favorite sauce. And if you google "Maurice's barbecue sauce copycat recipe"...nothing. Well, I took it upon myself to remedy this situation. I grabbed our one remaining bottle of sauce and set to work; this was the result...

Oh! And the recipe!

Maurice's Hickory Mustard-Based Barbeque Sauce
Copycat Recipe

· 1 ¼ cups Prepared Yellow Mustard
· 2 tsp liquid Hickory Smoke
· 4 tsp Water
· 4 tsp Worcestershire Sauce
· 4 Tbsp white Sugar
· 1/2 tsp cracked Pepper
· 2 Tbsp Molasses
· 10 tsp (5/8 cup) Brown Sugar
· 1/2 tsp Paprika
· 1/2 tsp Garlic Powder
· 1/2 tsp Onion Powder

Whisk all ingredients together. Makes 1 1/3 cups. Enjoy over your pulled pork or chicken. (Pork is best!)


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